Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Beginning

It is official, the diagnosis is in and I am terminal.  There is no cure, but there is a remedy.  A prescription that I must take as often as physically and financially possible.  For my mental health and well being I must grab my back pack and hit the road!  To explore the world, to discover and get to know different cultures, different ways of life and living, different landscapes, and different people.  I could easily spend months in one location exploring the city and surrounding area, learning the language or the local dance.  When I get bored I could just move on to the next location I find interesting and start the process all over.  Well, what is the problem?  Just go.  As with most prescriptions it is expensive. If money were no object, I would just go and not come back except at Christmas to see the family. Someone has to pay for all those plane tickets and since I was not born independently wealthy, that person is me.  Work gets in the way of my travels but work pays for my travels.  So it is a delicate juggling act.

Webster defines Wanderlust as a noun meaning a strong longing or impulse toward wandering originating from the German words wanderm (to wander) and lust (to desire).  This describes me perfectly; I have the desire to wander the world.  I use it in the title of my blog to represent a location; a location where I am royalty.  Not a queen or princess since there are many people in the world who clearly out rank me in their ability to travel, but a lady, more than just a commoner.

I expect this blog to be wide range of subjects about living life and trying to travel as much as possible.  Things often don't turn out like we expect so there is no telling where this will go.  I just hope to enjoy the writing and hope that anyone who reads will enjoy the reading. 

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